Bella Devyatkina

[Video] Know About Bella Devyatkina, 8 Years Old Multi-lingual…

Languages make a way communication easy. Usually people could speak two to three language at a time. But Bella Devyatkina is a multilingual superstar. She is from Moscow, Russia and is 8 year old. At a tender age of 4, she spoke 8 different languages. this includes English, Italian, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Arabic and ...

This 8-year-old Girl Speaks Eight Different Languages | Bella…

“What you lack in talent can be made up with desire, hustle and giving 110 percent all the time.” – Don Zimmer When most kids are busy learning spellings and doing their homework, Bella Devyatkina is busy exploring new languages. The young girl already speaks eight languages, with many more on her bucket list. Her ...