Ishwar sharma yoga

The 11-year-old Yoga Prodigy, Ishwar Sharma, Wins The Points…

The 11-year-old yoga prodigy, Ishwar Sharma, recently received Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Daily Points of Light Award. This young boy from Kent with autism and ADHD led daily yoga classes for 40 children across 14 countries during the lockdown and hence received this prestigious award for his incredible works. It is really amazing to know ...

International Yoga Day 2020 | Ishwar Sharma

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”  — The Bhagavad Gita History is evident that glory comes to those who are not willing to give up. Even when every circumstance was screaming at Ishwar Sharma to quit, he prevailed and turned his adversity into a lifetime of success. Although ...

This Ten-Year-Old Yoga Prodigy Is ‘British Indian Of The…

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”  — The Bhagavad Gita God has given everyone a gift with unique talents; few of us can identify at the right time & right age. A very few people have this skillset with this mystical talent since their childhood. Although Ishwar Sharma has struggled ...