Ritik Diwakar

International Dance Day 2021 – Meet Top 13 Dance Prodigies Of The World

Every year, April 29 is celebrated as International Dance Day. It is the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet.…

3 years ago

World’s Top 10 Child Prodigies In The Field of Dance

Child Prodigies are the kids who show exceptional & extreme competency in their field of interest. It can be any…

3 years ago

Ritik Diwakar Shares His Inspirational Dancing Journey In A Talk With GCPA

Ritik Diwakar, the 14-year-old dancing prodigy, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. The renowned Entrepreneur, Educationalist, and…

4 years ago

The Young Boy With Extraordinary Dancing Skills – Ritik Diwakar

"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful and more powerful. Dance is power, it is glory…

4 years ago