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[Video] Gordey Kolesov: A chess prodigy in one minute

Gordey Kolesov is a multitalented child prodigy from Russia. When other kids are busy playing, he works for his skills, dreams and making himself a famous name in the world. He was born in Moscow, Russia, on 18 August 2008. He got the title of “ The little Buddha of Chess world” because of his chess. Along with being a chess player, he is an artist also.

Some facts about the Russian Born child prodigy, Gordey Kolesov:

  • Gordy kolesov is a 12-year-old top-ranked chess player and also speaks five languages at such a young age.
  • In the world of chess, he is famous as “The Little Buddha.”He got the title from the President of the International Chess Federation.
  • In April 2014, Gordey had his first debut on TV in Alexey Lkov’sLysenkov’s show titled “ Be Your own director.” and he is also the winner of a talent show in China on the Chinese central television.
  • He had won many prizes in the field of chess. He holds the second rank in the Guangzhou chess contest in 2014 and won the chess qualification competition in Shenzhen.
  • Also, In February 2015, Gordey won a silver medal for a drawing in the Russian-Chinese and youth creative contest.
  • Gordey Kolesov won the “ Global Child Prodigy Awards 2020” in the field of chess.

If you know any kid who is extraordinarily talented, make sure to click here.

Also Read : [Video] Elisabeth Anisimow: The famous child Artist, in one minute

This post was published on February 6, 2021 10:00 am

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