AKIM CAMARA: An Incredible Violinist And Child Prodigy

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Beginning of Story

German violin child prodigy, Akim Camara.

Akim Camara was born on 26 September 2000 in Berlin, Germany. His mother was from Germany, and his father, a Nigerian. Akim, at the age of two, began playing Violin and attracted people with his incredible talent. At two and a half, he went to the Marzahn-Hellersdorf School of Music. He started his musical training of violin by coach Birgit Thiele in 2003.

Inspiration to others as extraordinary cute Kid

It wouldn’t be wrong to say, “he is born for music”. At the little age when another child can’t even speak properly, he gave competition to his class fellow. He remembered all the parts of music and names of all orchestral instruments.

Akim’s coach Birgit started instructing their toddler twice a week for a 45 minutes session. Because of his strong memory power and following the coach’s instruction, he started learning music pieces fast and efficiently.

Being normal kid to youngest star Violinist:

In December 2003, after six months of training, he had his first stage performance at 3 in a christmas concert. He performed at “Schneeflöckchen, Weissröckchen,” organized by the Marzahn-Hellersdorf school of music. Seeing his incredible talent, his teacher Birgit Thiele and the music school principal informed Dutch star violinist Andre Rieu. Andre Rieu was surprised to see this little boy’s talent and responded quickly. Rieu invited the boy’s patents to his studio in Maastricht, Netherland, along with the boy; after Akim’s performance, Rieu and his other orchestra members were impressed by his prodigious talent. 

Within two weeks, after studio performance, in July 2004, Akim got a chance to perform with Rieu in a concert. People were surprised to see his performance and became fans of his music. After a great response from the audience, he again performed Ferdinand Kuchler’s violin concertino. He earned two massive standing ovations and rearing cheers.

Music Career: 

Two years old Akim Camara in the concert.

After the two successful stage performances, German television telecasted his story and performance on their channel. The telecast brought discussion worldwide about his talent. Rieu added him to his orchestra band and started teaching him both Violin and piano. Under Rieu’s observation, his talent became more sparkling and again performed with Andre Rieu. 

Akim emerged as a talented and youngest violinist. After an interview on a Danish TV show, his performance became more demanding. He shared the stage with Felix Mendelssohn, a German composer, pianist, organist. 

Akim also performed with famous pianists Richard Clayderman and Wolfgang Fischer. Later became part of the Deutsche Streicherphilharmonie (DSP), is a German string youth orchestra based in Bonn founded in 1973. In the orchestra, he met with Sophia Eschenburg and Paula Eschenburg and started performing together. He won the second prize at Jugend, which is a music competition for children. 

Also watch: Evan Le: An incredible 9 year old pianist  

Also read: PRIYANSI SOMANI: A Prodigious Kid And a Mental Calculator

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