How To Raise A Child With Good Manners?

4 years ago

It is firmly said, “Inculcating good manners is a little tricky.” Teaching good manners and convincing a child to follow…

Chronological Journey of Enrico Fermi: The Pioneer of the Nuclear Age

4 years ago

Enrico Fermi was an Italian-born physicist, and an American scientist respectfully called the Father of the Nuclear Age. He was…

Jean-Francois Champollion, A Child Prodigy Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs

4 years ago

Talent has nothing to do with age. Many people have proven it with the wonderful talent they had. In 1806,…

Exclusive Interview Of Daniel Teplitski, Britain’s Strongest Kid

4 years ago

Daniel Teplitski, the 16-year-old power juggler, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. Ms. Swathi Bhojaraj, an In…

Arthur Rimbaud – A Child Prodigy And Literary Wunderkind

4 years ago

The word literature connotes  'letters'. It is on account of this that scholarly men are referred to as men of…

Global Child Prodigy Wishes Mr. Kailash Satyarthi Ji a very Happy Birthday

4 years ago

Most of the world's population consists of children and young people. In order to achieve a peaceful world, the essential…

Ruby Isaac, The Cycling Prodigy, In A Candid Talk With Global Child Prodigy

4 years ago

Ruby Isaac, the 12-year-old cycling enthusiast, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. The renowned…

How To Make A Child Learn Writing Skills?

4 years ago

Every parent wants their child to learn writing skills at an early age. Some children find it easy to learn,…

How Did Aarav Verma Learn Painting?

4 years ago

Some stories leave an inspiring impact on us, and one among them is the story of Aarav Verma. He is…

The Timeline of John Von Neumann’s Phenomenal Contributions

4 years ago

John Von Neumann was one of the authentic mathematical geniuses of the 20th century. He was a true child prodigy…