
How To Inculcate Good Habits In Kids?

As a parent, encouraging good habits in kids that may include good social skills, good manners and help them evaluate their food choices and physical activity habits. It takes time to acquire a habit, so parents need to be patient with their children. Repeating a behavior or action daily will help your child inculcate it ...

Five Ways To Help Kids With Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is often associated with toddlers. As toddlers become more aware of their surroundings and begin to understand the world around them, they struggle to separate from their parents, especially their mother. Kids with separation anxiety screams and cries when the parent leaves. Though difficult for the parents to witness, this part of childhood ...

8 Activities For Kids At Home

Schools are no longer open to slow the spread of COVID-19, and kids stay home due to the pandemic. Thankfully, learning doesn’t only happen in classrooms. Even while social distancing or self-isolating, your kids can keep learning through play, choosing activities for kids at home to keep them moving and learning.  You’re stuck indoors. There ...

Ways To Instill Honesty In Children

When it comes to having a good family life, we cannot underestimate the importance of honesty within it. “Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom,” wrote Thomas Jefferson. When it comes to small children and honesty, it’s not usually hard to find. The word “brutal” comes to mind. With older children and ...

How To Make Lazy Child Active?

Sometimes kids get lazy, especially if we allow a lot of screen time during the day and forget to encourage them to help us out around the home. Pulling kids out of the lazy zone is a difficult task to establish but don’t let their disrespectful behavior stop you. How to make lazy child active? ...

Seven Amazing Holiday Ideas With Children

Traveling as a family is fun. But even more important than how much fun it is, there are endless opportunities for kids to learn and grow. Travel can open their world to new foods, cultures, knowledge, and experiences that aren’t available in a classroom. Travel can also increase affection towards family members, lead to better ...

How Permissive Parenting Affects The Child?

Permissive parenting style involves loving and caring parents who set very few rules and expectations for their children. They don’t see their kids as mature and capable enough to carry out tasks that involve self-control. Permissive parents rarely discipline their children. They avoid confrontation whenever possible. Instead of setting rules and expectations or trying to ...

Time Management Tips For Students

So much to do, so little time. You’ve got three essays due, five chapters of reading to catch up on, and you need to study for exams coming up in two weeks. Not to mention you have a family wedding to attend. How will you do all that in 24 hours? Time management for students ...

How To Raise An Autistic Child?

There is a saying that if you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism. Raising a child on the spectrum is challenging as every autistic child is different. The day-to-day care of children with autism can be stressful. It is a struggle for parents to ensure your child gets the help they ...

Tips To Raise Grateful Children

Being thankful and saying it in words is one of the first social rules many parents teach their children, and of course, for good reasons. Every parent wants their kids to be appreciative and not take things for granted and learn to be grateful. This can improve kids’ relationships, ability to empathize, and overall happiness. ...

6 Kid’s Photoshoot Ideas For Your Little Angels

This is a prevalent concern that how we can take better photos of our little angels. It’s an era of creating memories and capturing them on camera. Today technology has made all of us a “photoholic person.” So why should our kids be left aside from this joy? Apply a few kid’s photoshoot ideas and you’re ...

Five Effective Weekend Activities For Kids

It says ” time waits for none”. Though, with time, things take a turn and so does the golden period. Now, how do we define a golden period? Well, for parents, a golden period is the quality of time they have with their toddlers. Time flies with the blink of an eye. We never realize when ...