
Ways To Boost A Child’s Brainpower

Building and maintain a healthy brain is not just about nutrition, there is so much more to be done. It is always a concern for parents to make their child sharp-minded. There are several simple ways to boost your child’s brainpower. Following are some of them: Early to Bed, Early to Rise: This is a ...

Fun Games For Kids To Play And Be Social…

A toy is a very special thing in every child’s life. They can relate to those toys. Games are the mean through which a child develops his/her mental health and physical fitness. There are a lot of fun games for kids that can be played. Nowadays, we all have mobile phones with extraordinary technology and ...

Healthy Eating For Toddlers

In a world where we easily accept any amendment. Are we compromising with our Health and habits too? Maybe yes. Maybe no. But what if we say that as parents we are giving up on a healthy living & healthy eating with ourselves and the kids who just have started up their grown age. It ...

Why Is It Important Observing Your Child?

Observations are a part of our day-to-day life and it is indeed important to observe the surroundings. Especially, it is essential to observe children understand their strengths and needs. Every parent and Early Childhood Educators observe kids to know them better and get a sense of their knowledge, needs, skills, interests, and how they learn ...

What Makes Raising A Child Special To You?

Raising kids is considered one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world. For some people, it might be one for which they feel the least prepared. But, parenting is a skill, and learning this skill can make parents feel so special. We are here with five tips that can help you make ...

Tips On Using TV & Internet Wisely For Your…

Today, children spend more of their time online or in front of a screen, like Tv, computers, Mobile phones, etc. And now, as all the schools are taking classes online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, parents are really concerned about how to manage their children’s screen time with other activities. Studies are important but it ...

10 Benefits Of Playing Video Games

Playing video games does not only have negative effects as believed by some parents. However, the important thing is just to choose the right video games for your child & don’t let them addicted to games. Playing video games has several positive effects too. When a child plays video games, it gives his/her brain a ...

Benefits Of Spending Quality Time With Your Child

In this modernized era of technology, most parents forget that it’s really important to spend quality time with their kids. Time is one of the greatest gifts parents can give to them. Vacations & Sundays can be very good opportunities to make your family bonding stronger. Here’s are the reasons & benefits of spending quality ...

5 Negative Effects Of Video Games

Nowadays, there are very rare children who don’t play video games, and parents are really concerned if they should let their child play video games or not. Several researchers have worked to understand the effects of video games on the development of children. There are various types of video games made for different purposes – ...

9 Things Your Kids Learn From Gaming:

Children are never tired of gaming. It is full of fun. But except the enjoyment games are among the best ways of learning. Gaming is a fantastic way of learning and remembering things. Every type of game has its own importance. The outdoor games result in physical fitness, while generally indoor games are suitable for the ...

8 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Speak Their…

Letting the children speak their minds makes them develop their own will power to achieve what they want to in their lives. It provides them with independence and also the freedom to share views about how they feel. It is vital to teach the children proper manners and the ways to push for their wants. ...

8 Effective Parenting Goals To Make Your Life Easier

In this fast-paced life, parents often neglect themselves. Doing every work at home without a pause is not something that we call an effective parenting goal. Take out time and think about yourself of what you are doing, and how to have an easier life as a parent. Make decisions in the interest of a ...