
Five Ways To Help Kids To Focus On E-Learning:

 The year 2020 brings a lot of changes in everyone’s life. Majorly offline work is changed into online work. The same happened for the study also. Regular classroom study transforms into virtual lessons, online classes. But the sudden change in the mode of study has affected students. It is difficult to focus on online study ...

Understanding Your Child’s Strengths

Every legend has a different strength, but all are special in what strength they have. The famous poets and writers have poetry strength. The sportsman has the strength of the sport. The actor has the acting talent and so more. Like this, every kid has a different strength. Understanding your child’s strengths and supporting them ...

How To Help Kids With Hormonal Changes

When you feel like every time your child is growing, it is not just an imagination. They are actually growing and changing due to hormonal changes. The hormonal changes in a child generally take place during the teem age. Children suffer any change in their body, emotions, behavior at that time. All changes are due ...

Teaching Your Kid About Good & Bad Touch

According to the National Crime Record Bureau, 109 children were sexually abused every day in India. A 22 percent hike is there in such cases from the previous year. Although children are the most unsafe to Child Sexual Abuse between the ages of 7 and 13. There is evil-doer who target child as early as they are infants. ...

How To Have The “Bird & Bees” Talk With…

Growing Children has a lot of queries in their mind. It is necessary to have Bird & Bees talk with your growing kid. But what does a Bird & Bees talk mean? The Bird & Bees talk means explaining the mechanism of reproduction to kids. It is the way of answering children’s questions like where babies came from and other sex-related ...

Stress And Trauma In Children Is What Parents Need…

In this hard-to-predict volatile world, it becomes challenging to cause a child to be distressed. It could be peer pressure, competition, or even an emotional attachment which can lead to Trauma. Once they face such a situation where they are harassed, or someone taking their advantage. children start thinking that they are not good and ...

Teaching Your Kids About Infatuation And Heartbreaks

Today the primary concern of parents about their teenage child is their infatuation. Infatuation means an attraction, obsession towards someone. The perspective of teen’s life is different from what their parents think. It often becomes a reason behind the conflict between parents and kids, generally about kids. Teenagers mistook true love with the temporary infatuation. ...

How To Support a Kid With Mental Illness?

Mental illness in children is very typical to understand but can be cured. During the mental health from it become difficult for a child or adolescent to control their emotions. During such type of conditions, thoughts and behavior are also not in control of children. Children suffer mental health problems as adults, but the symptoms ...

Teaching Your Child About Real Friendship:

Friendship is an essential part of life. Good friends are hard to find, but when found, they provide a support system in life. These are the people to share joy and sadness. Friends are not only people of the same age group. But friendship can be done within family, neighbourhood, school and over the net ...

5 Effective Ways To Teach Your Child To Read

Learning to read is essential for a child. It is because literacy skills are fundamental today to be successful in your life. Reading is not a thing that can come overnight; it takes a bit of time. So, parents don’t need to worry if their child is taking time to learn to read. No two ...

5 Ways to Manage Your Child’s Anger

Anger is an outcome of negative thoughts. There is no big or small in experiencing anger. In fact, Anger is a normal and healthy emotion. We struggle to identify the minute difference between angry feelings and aggressive behavior. Even parents misunderstand their kids for the same. It takes zero effort to convert anger and irritation ...

Ways To Promote Early Literacy In Your Child

In simple language, literacy means the ability to read and write at least in one language. That language should be understandable by others. Literacy plays an important role in life. The one who is literate is highly respected in society. As soon as a child is born the parent’s only concern is how to make ...