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Rodrigo Medinilla interview

How Did Rodrigo Medinilla Become A Spelling Bee Champion?

When most kids are busy playing games, the 13-year-old boy, Rodrigo Medinilla, is busy learning more & more. He is…

3 years ago

Dreams & Goals Of The Spelling Prodigy | Rodrigo Medinilla

Nature sometimes surprises us and creates some people with extraordinary skills. One such person is Rodrigo Medinilla, who has amazed…

4 years ago

The 13-year-old Spelling Bee Champion – Rodrigo Medinilla

"Everyone has talent. What's rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads." - Erica…

4 years ago

Exclusive Interview Of The Young Spelling Bee Champion | Rodrigo Medinilla

The young Spelling Bee Champion, Rodrigo Medinilla, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. The…

4 years ago