Sheilah Sheldone age
The 11-year-old girl, Sheilah Sheldone, has been catching the attention of people from all over the world. She is mostly known for her artistic skills, but her talent is not just limited to art. Along with her art, Sheilah is also a fantastic model & designer. She has even designed for the president of Kenya, ...
Sheilah Sheldone Charles is an 11-years-old amazing artist from Kenya, Mombasa. Moreover, she is a designer, a model, a singer, a public speaker, and an upcoming actress. When she was 5-years-old, she discovered her talent. Sheilah told her mom that she loves art. Her mom was surprised when she saw some of Sheilah’s drawings. So, ...
Sheilah Sheldone, the 11-year-old artist, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. The renowned Entrepreneur, Educationalist, and Humanitarian, Mr. Kavin Kumar Kandasamy, hosted the talk. He is also the Managing Director of Mangalam Educational Institutions. Mr. Kavin’s institutions serve more than 7000 students every year. Let’s get to know the motivational story behind Sheilah ...