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How To Protect Your Child From A Bad Influence?

Every parent wants their child to be surrounded by good company, good friends who last longer and develop a positive attitude in your child. No doubt, a bad influence leaves a mark on one’s behavior the whole life. It even has an immediate impact in childhood when the roots of values, ethics, norms, and beliefs still have time to grow. It isn’t easy to know whether your child will be easily influenced before the teenage years or not, as everyone has their thinking process. Some children easily ignore the negative influence around them, while some get a rebellious attitude inside.

But with that fear in mind, one shouldn’t resist their child to be friends with anyone. Teach them to face difficulties rather than giving up. Let them decide on their own which type of people he/she wants to accompany. 

Still, if you disagree with the idea and want to work to protect your child from such evil influences but are clueless, there are several ways you can do that without being rigid and impulsive. The ways are : 

1. Notice and Analyse:

Notice the friends of your child.

Observe well which friend your child doesn’t fit in the frame. Discover if your child is manipulated or does any activity he/she doesn’t, which is unusual. This will help you find out who is a good companion for your child and who is not, and if they are changed. Therefore, you can assist your kid with his/her friendships.

2. Spend more time with children:

Try to spend some time with your children. You can protect your child from foolish friends by replacing the time they spend with peers with you. Cut out unnecessary activities from your daily schedule, and this will connect you with your kids more than before. Make the most of the time or family rather than wasting on other perimeters.

3. Save a space where a child and his friends can stick up:

Making a friends space at home will help you keep an eye on their activities.

If you are too concerned about keeping a watch on your child’s companionship, you can save up space at home so that some time or the other, you will get an opportunity to discover well their activity, body behaviors which in turn will tell you to decide if your child feels uncomfortable, stressed out being around any of them.

4. Talk to your child:

Spend time with your child to know what’s going inside his/her mind if he/she is in any trouble or under bad influence. For instance, the adaptation of bad habits like drugs, use of false language, or if his/her instincts don’t match with their one of friend’s actions. Make sure your child feels free to communicate with you regarding the same. Be prepared for such answers so that you don’t react loud in front of them, instead of explaining them with calmness to end such friendship, which is manipulative and superior. Your one mature step can guide them to choose their friends and company wisely.

The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting.

Also read: How do parents sometimes ruin their kids’ self esteem?

This post was published on May 21, 2021 5:03 pm

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