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MARIE CURIE – A Prodigy With The Most Remarkable Scientific Career

Marie Curie is a name famous in the world of science. She was a woman who has a lot of achievements in her name. Her curiosity, hard work, and determination make her an icon in the world. 

So, let us know how her life was.

Marie Curie’s EARLY LIFE

Marie Curie, born in 1867 in a low-income family, is full of intellectual teachers. She was born in Poland. Her nickname was Manya. She lost her sister and mother at an early age. Due to the political conflicts in Poland, her father suffered a lot of deductions in his salary. In 1891, she went to Poland for higher education. He works so hard as she belongs to a poor family. She used to eat just bread and tea there. Marie earned a master’s degree in Physics and Mathematics in the years 1893 and 1894, respectively. She married a Physics Pierre Curie in the year 1895.


She had a strong bond with her husband because of their love for each other and the same passion. After two years of their marriage, they had a baby. She was perfect as a mother and in her profession. When she decided on a topic for her doctoral dissertation, her husband left his research and started assisting her.

They isolated radioactive elements from pitchblende, discovering two new elements. They named them Polonium and Radium. In 1903, She had her doctoral degree. Her initial discovery led to a further finding that radiation could be used to reduce cancer and other malignant tumors. In 1903 they together awarded the Noble prize along with Henri Becquerel.

The prize money helps Pierre to quit his teaching and devote himself entirely to research. He got the post of professor at Sorbonne. They were blessed with a second child in 1904. But in 1906, Marie Curie lost her husband.

She starts working in the post after her husband’s death.

Spark Of Success – MARIE CURIE

In 1911 she won the Nobel Prize in the field of Chemistry. She became the first woman to win the nobel prize in the field of science.

During world war first, she helps the military hospitals with X-Ray machines. These machines are named “Little Curie”. Although she did not want to go for a public appearance.

In 1921, she went to the US as she was given consent. She got a valuable quantity of radium for research from there. In 1932, a radium institute was open in Warsaw; it was something that she had dreamt of.

In 1934, she died, and we lost a legend.


Her younger daughter Eve Curie wrote her biography “Madame Curie”. In this book, she describes the life of a great scientist from various perspectives. It was a book that can be easily readable by a person who is from a different field.

The world of science will always remember her for her contributions.

Also Read : Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz – A Child Prodigy With Extraordinary Intellectual Capacity

This post was published on January 16, 2021 2:46 pm

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