[Video] Know About Bella Devyatkina, 8 Years Old Multi-lingual Superstar, in Few Minutes

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Languages make a way communication easy. Usually people could speak two to three language at a time. But Bella Devyatkina is a multilingual superstar. She is from Moscow, Russia and is 8 year old. At a tender age of 4, she spoke 8 different languages. this includes English, Italian, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.

Watch this short video to know about her superb talent of speaking eight languages.

Interesting Facts About Bella Devyatkina

  1. She gave her appearance in many TV shows like Little Big Shots.
  2. Presently, she has upskilled in reading and writing 8 languages she spoke and now her aim is to learn Japanese text.
  3. Scientific research has successfully echoed her ability to develop multilingual skills from such a young age.
  4. Her mother introduced English language to Bella when she was just two year old.
  5. When her mother noticed that she has developed a keen interest and ease at picking, she introduced her to more Asian and European languages.
  6. Some of Bella’s informal lessons were at the zoo, aquarium, museum and even on a boat. This multilingual girl has beaten the myth that native speaking proficiency is reached at the age of 10.
  7. Her mother remarked, “You really, truly don’t need to be a native speaker to teach your kiddo another language”. Bella shares her interest in cooking, dancing, drawing and playing ukulele too.

Bella Devyatkina is an awardee of Global Child Prodigy Awards 2020 in the category of language. She was also listed among the top hundred child prodigies of the world. The secret to learning a new languages is to make it FUN and use a bunch of different resources.

Moreover, if you know any such extraordinary child close to you, make sure to register them for GCPA 2021 by clicking here.

Also Read : This 8-year-old Girl Speaks Eight Different Languages | Bella Devyatkina

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