Several prodigious composers are exceptionally talented and are famous for their work globally in the music industry. One such musical prodigy who has made his name in the global sphere of music composers, organists, and pianists is the legendary Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt.
Early Life of Franz Liszt:

Franz Liszt was born in 1811. Music was a part of Franz’s family. His father used to play the violin, piano, cello, and guitar, and he would listen attentively at six. Franz found the experience with gypsy traveling bands, traveling through the Hungarian countryside. At the age of 7, Franz began taking piano sessions from his father, and by the age of nine, he started appearing in concerts. Through this, he got sponsored to get musical education in Vienna. Under Carl Czerny, a former student of Beethoven and Hummel, Franz started taking piano lessons. At eleven, he made his public debut through a concert that turned to be an incredible success. He even met Beethoven there.
After Franz’s father’s unfortunate death in 1827, he went to Paris with his mother to live with her for the next five years. Liszt then fell very ill and didn’t do much during that time. He then released his revolutionary symphony, which reflected on the July revolution and three glorious days.
The Professional Life of Franz Liszt:
Liszt in 1841 toured for eight years, excluding the four previous years in Vienna. This time was the most celebrated Liszt’s time as he earned all the love, recognition, and honor. Three Concert Etudes was the one he wrote between the period of 1845 and 1849. In 1841 Franz became a member of Freemason’s lodge. He even got promoted as an elected master of the club in Berlin.
The very next year, Liszt received a well-respected doctorate from the University of Konigsberg. It was a vital honor in the German tradition.
Humanitarian causes and charities:

The Hungarian composer and pianist revolutionized the art of performance.
Liszt had quite a reputation as he gave most of his proceeds to humanitarian causes and charities during his entire life. Liszt had done some tremendous charity work throughout his life. He provided charitable support for the Beethoven Monument, Hungarian National School of Music and Cologne Cathedral, and many more. Liszt was a humanitarian and kind citizen; Liszt didn’t let the insect of ego bit him, which might come with a lot of success. After the death of his two youthful children, he decided to stay in solitary.
In his later years, Liszt was invited to Weimar to give master piano classes. After few years, he was invited to the same at Budapest in the Royal Academy of Music. He accepted the invitation. Liszt’s character became a part of many films, but a more intriguing thing about Liszt was that he had a technique to teach his students. He had this combination of metaphor, anecdote, and wit with musical interpretation. Liszt didn’t want his students to copy him but rather have an artist who preserves their individualism. He never charged students. Liszt proved the significance of utilizing the prodigious talent and embarking it on others too.
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