Causes Of Obesity In Children

1 min read

Children having a body mass index (BMI) at the same level or higher than 95 percent of their peers come in the obese category. Kids have less weight-related health and medical problems than adults. However, obesity in children can elevate risk of becoming overweight adolescents and adults. It will place them at risk of developing chronic diseases later in life.

A serious health threat, childhood obesity not only affect physical health but mental health too. Children who are obese are more likely to become depressed and develop poor self-image and self-esteem.

Causes of Obesity in Children

A lot of things contribute in causing obesity in children. Family genes, psychological issues, and lifestyle play a key role in this. Having obese parents or other family members is one of the causes. But the prime cause of childhood obesity includes overeating and lack of exercises.

1.Poor diet

Diet rich in fats and sugar causes obesity in children.

The unhealthy diet rich high levels of fat or sugar and no or few nutrients is the leading cause of quick weight gain in kids . Fast food, candy, and soft drinks are prime suspects.

2.Unhealthy eating habits

Convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, salty snacks, and canned pasta, keads to unhealthy weight gain. Parents who have no idea of how to choose and prepare healthy food end up with obese children. Some families are also not be able to afford fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats easily.

3.Lack of physical activities

Exercises are essential to burn the extra calories.

The human body needs to burn the excess calories. Lack of enough physical activity can be another cause of childhood obesity. Everyone gains weight when they’re less active. Exercise burns calories to maintain a healthy weight. Children who aren’t involved are less likely to burn extra calories through sports and other forms of physical activity.

4.Emotional eating

Psychological issues may also lead to obesity in some children. Sometimes, to suppress and soothe their negative emotions, children eat emotionally. They reach for food several times a week or more and may even feel guilt or shame after eating this way. This leads to a cycle of excess eating and weight gain. Boredom, stress and depression can cause kids to eat more to cope with negative emotions.

If you have an overweight child, you must be supportive as their caregiver and help them get through it. A child feelings based on their parents’ feelings about them. If you accept your children at any weight, they will feel good about themselves. Don’t forget talk to your children about their weight. This will allow them to share their concerns with you. 

The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting.

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