Teaching Your Kid About Good & Bad Touch

2 min read

According to the National Crime Record Bureau, 109 children were sexually abused every day in India. A 22 percent hike is there in such cases from the previous year. Although children are the most unsafe to Child Sexual Abuse between the ages of 7 and 13. There is evil-doer who target child as early as they are infants. So, the right time to talk to your child about good and bad touches is as soon as they can understand a particular language. You need to explain about good and bad touches to both boys and girls. Many parents find it challenging to initiate the conversation about good and bad touch for so many reasons. We hope the following blog will help the parents teach their children about good and bad touch.

Educate your little ones about good and bad touch

  • Child abuse explains to your child about child abuse at an early age of 3 or 4 because. At this point, they can understand what you are teaching them. Parents need to tell children if something like this happened to them, they should not get scared of speaking about it to you. It would be best to assure them that you would not punish them for what happened with them.
  • Explain Both Good and Bad touch. As a parent, you need to explain both good and bad contact. A child should know about caring and unsafe touch. Parents need to tell them that patting on the back, wanting hugs, pulling cheeks are all caring touches. Touching private parts such as the chest, lips, and between the legs and unwanted hugs by anyone stranger or any relative is an appropriate touch.
Good Touch vs Bad Touch: 10 Tips To Educate Your Kid
  • Educate children about their body parts parents should educate their children about all the body parts’ names and their importance. Children should know what exactly is their common and private body part.
  • What to do about unwanted touch? parents need to tell their children what they should do if someone appropriately touches them. Tell your child to say no or stop and anything else that means no if someone is touching them inappropriately. You can also help your child identify the person they can talk about this unwanted touch.
  • An open conversation is a kind of topic you need to speak about frankly. It would help if you did not hesitate to explain to your child about the good and bad touch. An open conversation will help your child feel more comfortable talking about it.
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There are several books about child sexual abuse. These books come with pictures of human anatomy. It will help your child understand their body and the good and bad touch in the best and easy way. I am writing the names of the books which will help you in explaining about the child sexual abuse. “Some parts are not for sharing” by Julie k. Federico, “Your body belongs to you” by Cornelia Spelman, “Those are my private parts” by Diane Hanses, and “The trouble with secrets” by Karen Johnsen, etc.

Why it is necessary to talk about good and bad touch

Child sexual abuse is an immense stigma on our society. Every hour in India, four children is sexually abused according to government figures. So this is not the time where we hide everything related to sexuality from our children. It is necessary to talk to your child about sexual abuse. So that they don’t witness this in their life. Most of the children are abused at the age of 3-14. Talking about it will help them in keeping their body safe from the monsters. Talking can save a child from being exploited and also parent and children relation will become strong. This conversation will help them understand that their parents have their back if something wrong happens with them.

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