What Makes Raising A Child Special To You?

2 min read

Raising kids is considered one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world. For some people, it might be one for which they feel the least prepared. But, parenting is a skill, and learning this skill can make parents feel so special. We are here with five tips that can help you make raising a child special and feel fulfilled.

1. Boosting Your Kid’s Self-Esteem

Children start developing their sense of self as babies. At that time, they see themselves through their parents’ eyes. Your tone, body language, and facial expressions are absorbed by your kids. The words and actions of parents affect their kids’ developing self-esteem more than anything else.

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For making them feel special, it is very important for you to give them praising accomplishments. Let kids do things independently so that they feel capable and strong. Comparing a child with other children will make them feel worthless. So, make sure that you don’t ever compare your kids with anyone. Be compassionate and choose your words very carefully. Tell your kids that everyone makes mistakes and you still love them.

2. Catch Kids Being Good

If you ever notice carefully, you’ll find that you are criticizing you, child, far more often than complimenting. It will not make them feel good. An effective approach is to catch children doing something right, and compliment them. Your appreciating statements will encourage them for good behavior over the long run than repeated scoldings.

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Parents need to make a point to find something to praise their kids every day. Also, try to be generous with rewards; parents’ love, hugs, and compliments can work wonders. You will soon find that you are growing more of the behavior you would like to see, and it will really make raising a child special to you.

3. Make Time for Your Kids

Nowadays, it’s has become a tough task for parents and kids to get together for a family meal due to busy schedules. But, it is really important for you and your kids to spend quality time together. Try to get up a bit earlier in the morning so you can eat breakfast with your child or try to take a walk after dinner. Children who don’t get attention from their parents often act out or misbehave because they know that they will be noticed that way.

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Many parents find it beneficial to spend quality time with their kids. Plan a dinner out or special night at home each week to be together. Also, parents don’t need to feel guilty if they are working. You can do little things to be conneted with your child like playing cards with them for 10 mintues.

4. Be a Good Role Model

Children learn almost everything from their parents about how to act in any situation. The younger your kids are, the more learnings they take from you. Be aware that you’re constantly being observed by your kids, and they will follow you. According to several studies, the kids who hit usually have a role model for aggression at home.

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Model the qualities within you that you wish to see in your kids: respect, friendliness, kindness, honesty, tolerance, etc. Exhibit behavior that is not selfish. Do help other people without expecting a reward. The important thing to note is: treat your children the way you expected your parents to treat you.

5. Make Communication a Priority

Don’t expect your child to do everything simply just because you tell them to do so as a parent. They want and need explanations for each and everything as much as adults do. If you won’t take the time to explain, they will start wondering whether they have any basis or not. Parents who provide explanations & reasons to their kids help them understand and learn a lot of things, and it really makes raising a child special to them.

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Always keep your expectations clear with your children. If there is a problem, talk directly to your child and tell them how to solve it. Give your suggestions and accept their suggestions as well. Don’t ever let the communication gap ruin your parent-child relationship.

The Global Child Prodigy team gives you & your child very best wishes. HAPPY PARENTING!

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