The year 2020 brings a lot of changes in everyone’s life. Majorly offline work is changed into online work. The same happened for the study also. Regular classroom study transforms into virtual lessons, online classes. But the sudden change in the mode of study has affected students. It is difficult to focus on online study compared to offline study. E-learning is quite problematic in a matter of concentration. The virtual study requires a lot of motivation from the children’s side.
Here five ways to help kids to focus on e-learning:
Create a learning environment for kids:
The surrounding and the environment plays a lot of effect on kids study. It is necessary to create a learning environment for kids during their online study. There should be no distraction in the learning place. A device with good internet connectivity is helpful in kid’s lessons. The silent place will help kids to focus more on the study.
Make a schedule for your kids:

During online classes, the study is affected in many ways. In classroom studies, the children are restricted to a timetable. It should be done in their online studies also so that they can focus on study. A schedule is essential for student life. But making just a schedule is not enough. The timetable should be followed strictly also.
Let kids have written practice:
Just taking online classes is not enough. The written practice is necessary. Make a daily schedule and fix per day goals to have written practice of what they studied. The written exercise will help kids to remember things more precisely. If the learning happens in the right way, children will found it fascinating. It will help keep them focused on e-learning.
Try to make the study interactive:

Try to make the study interactive for the kids. Creating groups with four or five children to attend online classes will help in making the study interactive. When the children have the source to interact with each other, it will help them in their study. Tell kids to make the video visible. The interactive sessions with teachers and students will make e-learning more interesting.
Give them a break:
Studying for hours will make kids feel boring. A short break between lessons is essential. It will make kids feel refresh, and they may focus more on the study. Studying for hours without a break will make kids frustrated, and looking into the phone for so long is harmful also. Learning in segments is far better than the continuous study for hours.
The way of study is changed nowadays. Children need the help and full support of their parents in the study now, more than the classroom study. But pressurizing kids and importing expectations over them is not good at all. Support them, help them, motivate them so that the changed learning mode will not negatively affect their capacity.
Also Read : Understanding Your Child’s Strengths

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