Parent’s child bond is one among very special bond. Some parents think discipline and strictness will help their child in growing them in a better way. But few parents prefer being friends with their kids. Almost every parent wants to get closer to their kid’s life and needs the answer to “How to be a friend with your kid?”. Here are few tips for being a friend of your kid:
1.Spend time with them:

The first rule of friendship is spending time with each other. It can be seen practically that children who spend most of their time alone become weird in some respects. Spending time together will get them closer to you. A little child needs a friend to play while a growing child needs a friend to share things that came to their mind. A child may have some trouble in their school and their lives, and at these times, they need someone to talk to.
2.Stop being over-protective:
It is essential to assure the safety of your kid but being over-protective sometimes ruins the relation. Over-protective parenting sometimes creates a ditch between you and your kid. Being overprotective will make them feel a bit tied. Being protective and overprotective are two different things. It is like a Golden Cage for kids, which is safe from harm but after all, it is a cage. Over-protective parenting will stop your kids to grow up to their full potential. A growing child needs privacy. Give them their time and privacy. Be aware of your kid’s life but don’t interfere in every little thing.
3.Be respectful towards their choices:
Children want their parents to be respectful towards their choices. Imposing your choices on your child is among the bad parts of a relation. Your kid doesn’t need to have the same choices as what you have. The difference in priorities and choices may be seen in tiny things and big life decisions. To be a friend of your kid, it is necessary to respect their choices. Helping them in their decisions will help you to get closer to your kid.
4.Be honest in friendship:
Honesty is part of a good friendship. When your child is sharing something with you, react as a good friend and stop being a strict parent at that time. When you are honest towards your kid as a friend, it will make them trust you. Never react as a parent while your kid needs a friend. Try to understand them and be honest with them.
5.How is this friendship going to help your kid?
When a child is little enough he/she is close to parents. With the growing age, discipline parenting will create a distance between you and your child. A growing child goes through many hormonal changes. These are the times when children need someone to talk to. Strict parenting sometimes creates a distance between you and your friend. If your child is afraid of you, how can he/she share things with you?

Being friend with your kid will help you to get closer to your kids life. When a parent being friends of kid, it will best for your kid. They have a caring friend who will suggest everything that is best for them.
The global child prodigy wishes you a happy parenting.
Also read: Tips To Help Your Child Learn Counting

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