As a parent, encouraging good habits in kids that may include good social skills, good manners and help them evaluate their food choices and physical activity habits. It takes time to acquire a habit, so parents need to be patient with their children. Repeating a behavior or action daily will help your child inculcate it more promptly.
Here’s 10 ways to inculcate good habits in kids:
1. Start Young:
Good habits and manners start early. It would be a good idea for parents to capitalize on this and inculcate good habits in kids to become a way of life for them. It’s never too early to develop good habits and etiquette.
2. Be a Role Model:

Children, to a large extent, are a reflection of their parents. Therefore, parents should be very mindful about how they behave and what they say when they have children around them. In short, they have to walk the talk. If there is a mismatch between what they say to the child and what they do, then the child will most definitely do what they see. So, be a fine example yourself.
3. Encourage Family Bonding:
Family time is crucial for a growing child. Plan times for everyone in the family to get moving together. Take walks, ride bikes, go swimming, garden or just play hide-and-seek outside. Everyone will benefit from the exercise and the time together. This is the best way to teach good habits in kids.
4. Set Strong Ground Rules:
As a parent, you need to set down rules for your children. Now is the time to make a routine and timetable. Set out fixed hours for playtime, homework, and screen time. Try to make a flexible routine and not be too strict while allocating time for study and play. Keep adequate time for playing as play helps in both physical and mental development.
5. Reward:
It is a great idea to reward your children for their excellent behavior. This will keep them motivated and will help them maintain their best behavior at all times. However, a key point to note here is to avoid rewarding your child with materialistic things like chocolates or an hour of TV. Find other ways to celebrate good behavior. Make the rewards intangible – a hug, a word of appreciation, etc.
You can reward your children with good experiences. This will help them learn that happiness lies in enriching experiences rather than worldly possessions.
6. Encourage A Healthy Diet:

Probably the most critical aspect of growing up is to encourage your child to make healthy food choices. Your child will adopt good habits if they start early. Educate your child about the importance of having a nutritious diet and encourage them to read food labels. The whole family will learn what is good for their health and be more conscious of what they eat. It’s a habit that helps change behavior for a lifetime.
7. Physical Activities:
Physical activity is more than just organized sports. It can include everyday activities like walking the dog, planting a garden, playing tag, building a snowman, and even household chores like sweeping or shoveling the driveway.
These days children spend a lot of time indoors in front of the television or playing video games. Children who are not active enough are at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. Encourage your child to stay physically active by letting them choose the activities they enjoy. This could be swimming, biking, or just running outdoors. Staying physically active as a child will eventually become a part of them as they grow older.
8. Encourage Reading of Good Literature:
Stories are a powerful medium to develop good habits and manners in your child. Reading out stories to your child from a book makes a significant difference. Good literature has an effective way of inspiring children to behave perfectly, to follow a code of discipline, and to maintain a positive outlook in life. A habit of reading will be great in the long run for your child’s intellect as well.
9. Be Involved:
Spend some quality time with your little one. No matter how busy you may be in your day-to-day work and chores, you must make it a point to be involved in your child’s life. Make sure you are updated about how their day was, the kind of friends, and how they are doing at school. It is a great idea to have a short chat with your children after they come back home from school – it will also keep you updated on your children’s emotional status.
10. Set realistic expectations :

Do not expect your child to be the epitome of good manners and habits. Encourage children to learn from their mistakes. Setting realistic goals and limits is key to adopting any new behavior. Small steps and gradual changes can make a big difference in your habits over time, so start small and build up. As parents, you have to realize that all children learn at their own pace.
Children do not like to hear what they cannot do, so tell them what they can do instead. Keep it fun and upbeat. Everyone wants to be praised for a job well done. Celebrate successes and help children and teens develop a positive self-image in the process.
The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting.
Also read: Five Ways To Help Kids With Separation Anxiety

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