It’s a challenging task to do work from home with children. As the world battles with the pandemic, many of us work from home while our children’s schools are also closed. Many of us are trying to find some activities for our children so parents can focus on their work. If you want some time to concentrate on your work with kids at home, there are some fun activities to keep your child happy and busy.
1.Creative Activities
When any child’s imagination is sparked, they will be happy playing in a world with their own for hours. You just need to appreciate their art or work at the end.
2.Jigsaw Puzzle

If you have a jigsaw puzzle at your home, tell your child to complete the puzzle. They find it exciting, and this puzzle game takes a lot of time and effort.
3.Coloring Books and Drawing
Drawing and coloring are the two earliest things and most straightforward activities children love to do. Drawing as well as coloring both improves fine motor skills and also train the brain to focus. Even coloring is a new trend for adults, which helps them in relaxing provides you a peaceful sleep.
4.Rock Painting
Provide your kid some washable colors, paintbrushes, and rocks, and let their artistry begin. Tell them to make some puppet-looking rocks with the colors. They can just set some googly eyes, feathers, or pom-poms with the glue after the paint dry.
5.House cleaning, windows, or the fridge

It’s not bad if your kid helps you in doing some household activities. Provide your kid a broom or a swifter and a cloth to pass back and forth on hard surface floors. Yupp! Your bed will be sparkling. You can just provide a spray bottle of water and set them to clean your windows (only if they can reach) or fridge.
6.Play with the dough
They can just play with the dough and form some characters with the dough. Playing with dough of different colors is always fun and satisfying.
7.Art and Craft
To keep your kids entertained and occupied in this modern world, art and craft is the best option available to you. If your child is old enough to handle a scissor. Cutting gives your child independent movement of every finger. Cutting develops fine motor skills, promotes grasp patterns, and helps in improving focus and attention.
8.Build a house of cards
Building a house made up of cards is a challenging but enjoyable task. Just provide your child a deck of cards and tell them to make a giant house of cards.
9.Scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt game doesn’t require setup. Make a list of some household items, tell your child to take pictures of the items listed in the paper.
The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting!!!
Also read: How to help your child discover their passion?

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