In this busy world, life is happening for families, and day by day, with increasing priorities, we are decreasing and sacrificing the quality of time with our children. Parents are so busy making a secure environment for their children that they have divided their attention and have forgotten the real meaning of quality time. Quality time means spending time with your children and family while doing the tasks they like. Spending time with your children is not difficult as it seems. Parents need to just take some time out every day and do what their children like.

Some tips for spending quality time are:
- Do something that makes your child feel special. Sending them a little note in their lunch box, giving them small surprise gifts for their excellent behavior. These things help in maintaining a connection.
- Create a ritual or a habit with your child, like reading a bedtime story, going out on weekends.
- Parents have a busy schedule, and usually, the free time of parents and kids does not match, try to take some time out and cook a meal together or eat together.
- If you are getting free time with your child, don’t just always teach, scold or give them a lecture; instead, laugh with them, tell them some jokes.
- In this tech world, kids are involved in technology half of the time, so take some time away from the gadgets and tell them new things or listen to them sharing their stories about school and friends.
Children who spend more quality time with their parents have fewer chances to involve in any risky behavior. Show your children that you love and care about them. This will help your child to become mentally and emotionally strong.
The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting!!!
Also read: Seven qualities of Ideal Parents

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