Five Amazing Facts To Know About A Child’s Memory

2 min read

Only a few childhood memories are there that we carry with us always, and there are many more memories that fade with time. Sometimes we remember a pet, a family holiday by the sea, or a favorite picture book, but nothing clearly. But how do we remember some of them and we forget others? Various factors determine these things. Following are 5 of the most exciting facts about childhood memories:

1. Infants Also Have Memories

Mostly our earliest memory is not our earliest memory at all; it’s just the first memory that we remember. The human brain actually begins to develop a memory when we are infants. The memory one has as an infant is called ‘recognition memory.’ It allows babies to identify specific sounds and views, such as their parents’ faces and voices. Few researchers believe that recognition memory is powerful, and it stays with us in adult life. However, most people might be unable to recall these memories with clarity; certain things like faces and smell are the things that we never forget. 

2. A Six-Month Old Kid Can Remember Words

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Facts To Know About A Child’s Memory

Our’ working memory‘ is related to our ability to understand and learn. This generally starts developing when we are just 6-months old. A child can not understand a language clearly at this age but, it is believed that a 6-month-old kid will have a basic understanding of certain words such as ‘mummy,’ ‘papa,’ and many more.

3. Babies Can Understand Basic Concepts After Turning One

By the time children enter their second year, their ‘semantic memory‘ starts to develop. This is related to a child’s memory ability to understand concepts such as ‘let’s go out’ or ‘look at that cat.’ Memories created at this time can be quite strong. Research shows that kids between 4 and 7 can sometimes recall events from when they were just a year old. But, these memories, unfortunately, fade as the child grows.

4. Emotions Play A Significant Role In Memory Between The Ages Of Two & Seven

According to Carole Petersen, one of the essential factors in determining whether a memory survives is the emotion attached to it. Between the ages of 2 and 7, a kid’s brain is busy taking up as much information as possible. It’s a very important time in the development of a child. At this age, children are just curious about everything. As they ask hundreds of questions, there is a lot of information for a young brain to process. Therefore, the information that is connected to an emotion tends to survive for a long time. 

5. From The Age of Seven, Children Use Stories To Improve Their Memories

Children who are good liars 'are more intelligent and have better memory  skills' - Mirror Online
Facts To Know About A Child’s Memory

Storytelling plays a vital role in remembering. The children below the age of 7 have less developed narrative skills, so they have to struggle to keep their earlier memories in later life. These things change as a child turns older because children begin to acquire a greater command of languages as they grow up. Therefore, they can remember things through stories. According to the American Psychological Association, remembering the past in the form of a story reinforces a person’s independence. It also plays a huge role in allowing them to respond confidently to the world around them. Stories are essential in developing a child’s skill to empathize with others.

These were some interesting facts about the memory of a child. These can be helpful for parents in development of their child.

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