Meet The 6-Years-Old Picasso | Advait Kolarkar

1 min read

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.”– Henry Ward Beecher

Have you ever been able to tell the difference between Naples Yellow and Cadmium Yellow or Chrome Yellow? Perhaps not, but six-year-old Advait Kolarkar could do that even at the age of two. This child prodigy has caught the attention of the art world with his beautiful work, and he is the youngest artist to get featured in ArtExpo in New York. It is notably the largest excellent art trade show globally, which has presented the likes of Andy Warhol, among others.

Advait Kolarkar

Early Start Of Advait Kolarkar

According to Advait’s mother, Shruti, a commercial artist, she was astounded when her young son displayed a genuine talent for art. He began when he was just eight months old and had already started creating serious compositions when he was only one. Advait’s parents were quite amazed when they realized that Advait’s art was not merely an innocent play or childish activity but a true reflection of ingenuine artistic flair. Two years back, leading newspaper Indian Express hailed Advait as an art prodigy

Art Exhibitions

Advait Kolarkar with his work

While most artists prepare for exhibitions all their lives, this brilliant tiny tot has already held three. Initially, his mother presented his pieces to the Art2Day gallery in Pune. And once they became aware of his skill, it was just the stepping stone to a long bright path. That was his debut exhibition.

In 2016, in Canada, he achieved another feat; his first solo exhibition at the Saint John Arts Centre in the province of New Brunswick. This achievement made him the youngest artist ever to hold a solo exhibition. His presentation was fittingly named ‘Colour Blizzard,’ and it successfully sold paintings worth as much as $2,000. It would be best if you were intrigued by this prodigy, and you could also check his artwork and exhibitions here.

Global Child Prodigy Awards Winner

Advait Kolarkar – Winner of Global Child Prodigy Award 2020

Advait is also a Global Child Prodigy Awardee. He was recognized among thousands of nominees, and the association awarded this young prodigy for his artistic talent. He was also featured among the Top 100 Child Prodigies of 2020.

Adoring fans of Advait

Palette of Colours

His mother, Shruti says, “He loves that people appreciate his art, he loves the idea of showing his work, he’s so happy. He feels like flying when he sees his artwork on display. He realizes, ‘I’m creating something that people like.’ But he’s not aware of the fame.”

Going through this prodigy’s journey is bound to awaken the inner artist in all of us to paint canvases with the beautiful colors of a vivid imagination. This young artist is truly a motivation for all of us.

Global Child Prodigy Awards is continuously on the lookout for new star children! If you know of any child prodigy near you, register them by clicking here.

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