It says ” time waits for none”. Though, with time, things take a turn and so does the golden period. Now, how do we define a golden period? Well, for parents, a golden period is the quality of time they have with their toddlers. Time flies with the blink of an eye. We never realize when our little munchkin turns a teenager real soon. We indulge in our work so deeply, that we often miss opportunities for making memories together, and later we regret saying no to our kids. But, if you’re clueless about the ideas to spend weekend with your kids, here’s a list of five weekend activities for kids:
1. Plan a laughter-filled evening :
When children return home from school, they are exhausted with their heavy bags. Surprise them with an exhilarated evening full of fun, laughter and memories. Grab some twining dresses for you and your children and let the surprise unfold with creativity, dance, and music all around. This will cheer-up their moods and lighten their heart. The little toddler will feel loved and special.
2.Cook-up with your angels :

Here I don’t mean to tell stories! Well, we all know the thing which can bring a big smile to our kid’s face is a chocolate cake. Every kid’s first favorite is chocolates. Imagine your little angel baking or helping you bake, isn’t it precious?. This not only will work on unification but also uplift their motor skills. This is one of the best weekend activity for kids.
3.Arrange a kid’s multiplex :
I guess Saturday night can be the best time for movies, as you can take full rest by the next day, being Sunday. You can invite your child’s friends over to your place and arrange a playdate. Everybody can watch some cartoon movies and enjoy their childhood once again with popcorn and joyous feelings with those little angels.
4.Build a pillow fort :

Yes you heard it right! I think it’s been a classic childhood pastime for toddlers for ages. They feel like the prince or princess of the castle. In short, it’s their “secret hideaway”, where they rule in their imaginary kingdom. Participating in your kid’s imaginative story can be one of the purest memories you’ll ever live with. All you need is blankets, pillows, a stack of sheets and rest up to your tots.
5.Go around museums :
Another way to spend the weekend with your toddlers is by visiting museums. This time it will be a learning experience for your kids. It may be possible that they find it boring and will be less interested in it. You can ask them about their interest and can go further accordingly. For instance, if your child likes painting, you can take him to art galleries, if he/she likes to dance, music, you can visit a cultural museum. In this way, they will enjoy it too. This is the perfect educational weekend activity for kids.
One should never stop creating memories, as happiness doesn’t rely on an occasion. Build-up opportunities and celebrate this golden period of life. Years after you will smile at these moments and realize ” those were the days”.
The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting.
Also read: How to be a friend to your kid

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