Permissive parenting style involves loving and caring parents who set very few rules and expectations for their children. They don’t see their kids as mature and capable enough to carry out tasks that involve self-control.
Permissive parents rarely discipline their children. They avoid confrontation whenever possible. Instead of setting rules and expectations or trying to prevent problems from happening, they choose to instead let children figure things out for themselves.
In permissive parenting, there is a lack of structure, consistency, and limits regarding discipline and very little interference on the parents’ behalf.
Traits of a permissive parent
1.Give few and/or inconsistent rules
There’s no set of rules for kids in this parenting style. A permissive parent lets their kids make their own rules.
2.Prefer to be a friend to their child, rather than an authority figure
A permissive parent tends to be more loving and submissive to their child’s demands. They act more like a friend rather than an authority figure. They rarely discipline their children. Avoid confrontation whenever possible to keep the child happy is always acceptable in permissive parenting. There’s no set rules and expectations to try to prevent problems from happening, They choose to let children figure things out for themselves.
3.Consider their child’s opinion in essential decisions-

They consider every child’s thought while making decisions. This is the parent who is afraid to set limits on children or believes a child has to be true to their own nature, so they give in to their every demand while making significant decisions. The child typically has a lot of freedom regarding bedtimes, homework, mealtimes, and television watching.
4.Emphasize freedom over responsibilities-
A parent with this style of parenting sets no limits for their kid. The child is free to make their decisions. They are not accountable to their parents for the impact of their choices.
5.Aren’t overly concerned about safety, seeing risky situations as learning opportunities-
Without anyone in charge, a child is deprived of safety and learning opportunities. When people say, “Kids will keep pushing till they find the limits,” this is what they mean. Kids want limits because they want someone to be in charge. It’s pretty terrifying to a child to think that no one is in order, protecting them from what can be a frightening world.
Let’s see now how permissive parenting affects the kid:

1.Risk-prone temperament
Without proper boundaries, children are left to fend for themselves. They may approach certain situations without fear or trepidation, increasing their chances of engaging in risky behavior such as substance abuse.
2.Behavioral inhibition.
Some studies have demonstrated that children raised by permissive parents are more prone to anxiety and depression. In many cases, these children are taught to keep their problems to themselves, which causes them to withdraw.
Children with “rule themselves” attitude believe they can apply this behavior outside of the home, leading to a challenging and rebellious attitude toward others.
4.Undermines the parent-child relationship.

When children can’t trust that parents can help them with the full range of their emotions, they don’t feel connected to the parent. When a child doesn’t trust that parents will enforce rules that keep the child healthy and safe.
Do comment and let us know what style of parenting you follow and how it helped you raise your child better.
The Global Child Prodigy wishes you Happy Parenting.
Also read: Time management tips for students.

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