“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” – Martha Graham
Who doesn’t love to dance? At weddings, parties, or even in the privacy of our homes. And Kelvyn Bertoni is a dance prodigy who, along with his friend Paulinho Gomiz is taking the dance world by fire.
The Birth Of A Star – Kelvyn Bertoni
Kelvyn was born to Maisa Bertoni in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His first interaction with Paulo Gomiz was when he went in for a hearing test at the dance academy called Millennium. After that, Gomiz met Bertoni in the academy, who was already engaged in classes there.

After joining the company, they got a chance to travel to the United States with the CIA to represent Brazil.
Dancer with a Business mind
To cover the expenses, they formulated the idea of dancing at Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo; The crowds loved his performances.
They started this project to transform their dreams into reality adjacent with incredible support and encouragement from his mother and family.

His mother also says,
“Kelvyn Bertoni is a very passsionate son with beautiful dreams. He wants to become a professor at CIA Millennium and open an NGO in the municipality of Embu – SP.”
Global Child Prodigy Awardee
Global Child Prodigy Awards, the world’s first and only award ceremony recognizing unique and talented children. Kelvyn Bertoni won the GCP Award in January 2020 for his excellence in dancing.

Kelvyn aims to teach children and adults through his NGO and give them a platform to participate in championships. He says,
“Mother, I want to do what they did to me, just like my godfather Carlos Duarte, that if I am at Millennium today it is because it helped make this happen.”
We wish Kelvyn all the very best for achieving his dreams.
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