Miguel Secillano, the 11-year-old mathematics prodigy, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. The renowned Entrepreneur, Educationalist, and Humanitarian, Mr. Kavin Kumar Kandasamy, hosted the talk. He is also the Managing Director of Mangalam Educational Institutions. Mr. Kavin’s institutions serve more than 7000 students every year.
In this Candid Talk With Global Child Prodigy, Miguel Secillano Shares His Success Story.
How Are You, Miguel? Please Tell Us A Little about yourself.

Hello, I’m feeling good. I’m Miguel Secillano, and I have been awarded in the category of Mathematics by the Global Child Prodigy Awards. I just turned 11 a week ago, and I’m in the 6th grade. I’m from Central Florida. My school has resumed offline classes at the campus. We don’t need to go to school, as we can also opt for the same online version. But, I choose to go to the physical school because I like it better than online classes.
How Did Your Parents Identify Your Talent and How Did the Whole Thing Start For You?
When I was around three years old, I started stacking and counting my Play-Doh. That’s when my parents first identified my talent. At the age of 4, I started learning the basic math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. After just two weeks, I knew all of them. My mom recognized my talent first.
Did This Ability Make You Feel Special About Yourself?
Not really. I feel that I’m just like other kids. I mean, I go to school, have friends, etc. It’s the same thing as any ordinary kid, only that I’ve been recognized and have been in shows.
How Did You Feel When You Got to Know About the GCP Award 2020?

When I got to know that the GCPA has recognized me, I got shocked. I didn’t know what it was then, and it sounded so grand. Then my mom did some research and found more about it. It was cool. But, still, I don’t know who exactly nominated me for this award.
How Did People Start Reacting After You Got the Award?
I didn’t tell people about it at first because I wasn’t sure how they would react to it. But, when they got to know about it, they were astonished and happy.
Tell Us A Little About Your Experience At the Little Big Shots
It was a relaxed experience. I got to see all the cameras out there and the room where they do the interview. I also got to visit California for the first time, and I saw the Hollywood sign as well. It was enjoyable being there. When I was on the Little Big Shots, it was an excellent opportunity and a perfect platform. I got two mentors- one for piano and the other for computer science, from there. So that was also a big thing for me.

How Was Your Experience With the Mentors?
I was honored to get two mentors from the Little Big Shots. I got a new piano teacher and a computer science teacher, and they still teach me today. It’s entertaining.
Did You Learn Anything New in the Pandemic?
When school ended due to the pandemic, I was shocked. But, then we got used to technology more. However, my parents didn’t like the idea of that. So they had put some restrictions on my computer time. I learned to use Zoom and Microsoft Teams during the online classes. But, I always felt that it was better in physical school than the online version of it.
During the pandemic, I also took two virtual courses on Computer Science from Harvard University. The first one was the Introduction to Computer Science, and the other was Web Programming using Python and Javascript. I got certified for both the courses, and it was a fun experience.
How Did You Start Playing Piano?

I started playing the piano at a young age. I have a piano mentor right now. She recognized my talent and started teaching me for free. So that’s wonderful. For me, mathematics, piano, and computer science are all balanced and equally important.
What Do You Want to Do In Life?
I’m intrigued by both computer science and mathematics. So I want to be in the computer science field, but there’s also mathematics that comes into that. I aim to help the world by making programs, simulations, and doing stuff like that.
If You Were To Choose A Job Profile Right Now, What Would It Be?
I would love to start making programs to help disabled people because I feel they need the most help right now.
How Do You Evolve in the Mathematics Discipline?
I have got no mentor for Mathematics. My dad got me some books, so I do my daily math problems from the book- Art of Problem Solving. Currently, I’ve started algebra, after completing counting and probability and some other related topics.
If You Could Go To A Person To Discuss Math Problems, Who Would That Be?
Maybe Albert Einstein. I’m quite impressed by him. So if he’d still be alive, I’d probably find a way to ask him math questions.
If It Was Not Piano, Computer Science, and Mathematics, Do You See Yourself Doing Anything Else?
Actually yes. I do have a passion for drawing and sketching. It’s just that I don’t show my art online, but I do draw and sketch.
Do You Practice Your Skills Every Day?
Usually, every day I do a little maths from the book- Art of Problem Solving. When I think about programs, I try writing them down for computer science if I have time. I practice the piano every day. During my ride to school, I daily solve five math problems from that book and then crack another five after coming back home. I also practice the piano after school.
Any Advice To Motivate Kids To Learn Maths?
I want to tell them to take small steps first and to listen to the teacher attentively. By taking smaller steps, you can start maths quickly and can get more excited about it. I know that maths is challenging, but you can learn more from it, and your brain can become more strong from it. It’s just like watering a plant.
Some Words For the Parents?
I want to ask parents to keep supporting their children in what they like doing the most. Let your children grow, and direct your children in the right direction.
How Was Your Experience in India for the GCPA Event?

It was cool. The air flight was long, and my mom was worried that I’d get jet-lag. But, I handled it by sleeping as much as possible. So everything went right. I loved the experience as I got to see The Taj Mahal. I also got a mini marble version of it as a souvenir. I loved meeting all the other global child prodigies. I also met a fan in the hotel. It was a shocking moment for me. It was such an honor to meet a fan who was following me on social media and YouTube.
Thank you, Miguel Secillano! You are a wonderful person. We wish you all the best for your future. May you get all the success in life.
If you know someone close to you who deserves to be in the Top 100 Child Prodigies list, make sure to click here.
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