‘After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” – Aldous Huxley.
Rahul Vellal is a 13-years-old incredible classical singer from India. At such a young age, he has caught the attention of people all around the world. Rahul has become a YouTube sensation with his melodious voice. The renowned classical singer, Sudha Raghunathan, was impressed by him and invited him to perform at the Madras Music Academy.
Role Of Rahul’s Parents In His Success
Rahul Vellal is from Bangalore, India. His father is a software architect and works for IBM, and her mother was working in Sysco, but she quit her job for Rahul. When he was too young, his parents used to play all kinds of songs, and Rahul listened to them very carefully. Then whenever the song was played again, he used to sing that in my words. So, his parents that their son has an interest in music, and they initiated him into classical music at the age of four.

Initially, His parents knocked on the doors of all the Carnatic music teachers, but no one was willing to teach him Carnatic music because I was too young to do so. So, they initiated Rahul into Sloka Classes, and he learned Slokas for about one year. At the age of four, he started learning Carnatic music under Shri Suchetan Rangaswamy sir. Currently, he is learning Carnatic Vocal, Mridangam, and Western Piano. He has been learning Carnatic vocal for the past nine years. Rahul is learning from Shri KO Jaychandra Rao sir and western piano from Shri N Abhishek sir.
Rahul Vellal | Achievements
The singing prodigy Rahul got the MS Subbulakshmi Fellowship in Music in 2018, and Mr. M. Venkaiah Naidu presented the award to him. He has also met S. P. Balasubrahmanyam in his concert itself. Rahul has also received the National CCRT Scholarship for which he cleared an interview.

Global Child Prodigy 2020 Awardee
The Global Child Prodigy is the first and only organization that recognizes and promotes the talents from various countries and backgrounds. The list of GCP awards includes children having extreme competency in their field of interest, such as painting, modeling, writing, entrepreneurship, martial art, music, social work, etc.

Rahul Vellal received the Global Child Prodigy Award in January 2020 for music. His name was also among the top 100 prodigies of the year.
Future Goals Of Rahul Vellal
It is one of Rahul’s biggest dreams to perform with MS Subbulakshmi Ji. In the future, he wants to become something related to music only, maybe a music therapist. Music therapy is a way of healing in which a particular ragam or scale can make a person feel better. Rahul is a versatile singer who will definitely achieve his goals through hard work and determination.
If you know someone close to you who has exceptional skills, make sure to click here.
Also Read : The 12-Year-Old Stunning Cha-Cha Performer | Maria Rosaria Dal Monte

Harshit has four years of experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in digital media strategy and search engine optimization.
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