Bento Assis, the 10-year-old US Kids Golf Champion, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks. The renowned Entrepreneur, Educationalist, and Humanitarian, Mr. Kavin Kumar Kandasamy, hosted the talk. He is also the Managing Director of Mangalam Educational Institutions. Mr. Kavin’s institutions serve more than 7000 students every year.
Let’s get to know the inspiring story behind Bento’s success in this interview.
Hello Bento, How Are You? Tell Us a Little About Yourself & Your Family.
Hello, I am fine. My name is Bento Assis. I am 10-years-old. Currently, I am taking the call from the US. I have been here in the United States for 4 years. I have a brother who is 5-years-old. He is now playing Golf. My mom’s name is Bella & my father’s name is Rodrigo. My dad works, and my mom takes care of us.
How many times have you won the US Kids Golf Championship?

I have participated in the championship five times & won it three times. I can participate in the championship until 12 or thirteen years of age.
Did You Really Like Golf When You Started Playing It?
I really started playing Golf because I could make a lot of friends there. On my first & second day, I saw some teenagers. We started practicing & I really liked it.
Do You Have Passion For Any Other Sport?
Yeah, I have a passion for several other sports. I play tennis, soccer, basketball, etc. After Golf, my second favorite is Tennis.
Is It True That You Are The Youngest Brazilian Golfer To Play In The US?
I didn’t know that until I was 5-years-old. My dad told me that I was the youngest Brazilian to do so.
Is There A Connection Between Ronaldo & You?
Yeah, we have a connection. He helps me with my tournaments & all. I have never met him but I really want to. He is my idol.
Do You Have A Golfing Idol Too?
Yeah. When I started playing Golf, I knew nothing about it. But, then I heard about Tiger Woods. I wanted people to talk about me too. So, Tiger Woods is one of my idols.
Have You Travelled To Other Parts Of World?
No, I haven’t gone out of the US. But, I have gone to Texas, California, etc, and will be going out of the United States too. I really want to play in Australia.
Who Is Coaching You Right Now?
I am working with Rick Heard. He is my main coach. But on Tuesdays & Thursdays, I go to an academy for two hours. There I have two coaches.
Do You Play Video Games?
Yeah, I play video games sometimes with my friends. I play Fortnite.
How Do Your Parents Feel About Your Achievements?
My parents always say that they are proud of me. They always support & cheer me a lot.
How Does It Feel To Be A GCP 2020 Awardee?

I was really happy to be chosen amongst the world’s Top 100 child prodigies. There are a lot of talented children but I feel very glad to be chosen for the GCP Awards.
Any Message For Other Kids?
Just practice for whatever you like. Parents need to tell their kids to practice but not too much. They might get tired. Practice in the morning then rest and then practice.
Thank You, Bento Assis! You are really a wonderful prodigy. We wish you all the very best for your future.
If you know any child close to you, who deserves to be on the Top 100 child prodigies list of 2021, make sure to click here.
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